Prescription Refills

When your prescription needs to be refilled, please call your pharmacy. Your pharmacist will contact our office to request refills, even if your bottle says “no refills.” Due to the volume of requests for refills, we ask that you allow 48 hours for your request to be completed.

If you need pain medication refills, contact us several days before you run out. It is important that your request be received during the week (Monday – Thursday), so that your doctor can attend to your needs; an on-call doctor will not refill these medications.

Some insurance companies will require “prior authorization” before filling the request. Depending on the speed with which your insurance company responds, it may take 5 to 7 to seven working days for approval.

If you have not been seen in our office within the last 12 months, we may request that you make an appointment with a physician or request the medication from your primary care doctor. We will make every attempt to accommodate your needs – your health and well-being is our greatest concern.

We are often able to give you samples of medications prior to writing a prescription. Unfortunately, we are unable to keep patients supplied with these products indefinitely. If you find that you are unable to cover the cost of the medications you need, there are programs available to assist you and we are frequently able to help you apply for these programs.

When leaving messages regarding medications, please be sure to spell the drug name, and provide the strength and dosage of the prescription you are presently taking.